Med Beds and Tesla Med Bed Technology

Med Beds and “Med Bed” Type Technology Products
to Assist the Body with Health – Mind, Body and Spirit

Med Bed Technology 2024

Med Bed Technology 2024

Save money on our Terahertz Wands see special pricing click here

Save money on our WavWatch click here

Save 15% on all Anti Aging Bed Sleep Products click here

Call us for more special offers and more information on these great
holidays gifts for friends, family or yourself (804) 495-0770 or
email us at

Med Bed Energy and Frequency Type Technologies Available Now
Start shopping on our new health and wellness technology site click here

Anti Aging “Earthing – Grounding” Bed Covers 
Biohacking Anti Aging Bed Mattress System
Crystal Energy Spheres
Earthing – Grounding Towels
Heavy Metal Detox Formula – Iodine, Silver and Gold
Home PEMF Med Bed
Hyperbaric Chambers
Infrared Photomodulation Bed – Booth
Plasma Spheres – Plasma Wave Generators
Plasma Energy Water
Sound Frequency Wave Watch 
Terahertz Scaler Energy and Far Infrared Frequency Wands
Tesla Energy Paddles
Tesla Ozone Ray
Tesla Multi Wave Oscillators

Med bed” and “anti aging” technology products designed to assist the body to stay healthy and reduce the aging process. Find a wide variety of light frequency, earthing – grounding, FAR infrared, Tesla plasma and other “med bed” type related technology products available now below. Learn more about med bed type technologies available below. These
are med bed type technologies available now that can assist the body with thousands of different frequencies and technologies for home, med spa, wellness centers and more.

“Med Bed” Frequency, Energy and Technology Products Available Now
View some of the light, frequency and energy based technology products now available. As many people wait for the actual “med beds” coming from the government to roll out there is a large amount of technology now available. Learn more below with some of our most popular energy and frequency based technology products.

Baxstar Bioscanner Bioscan Scan Review

Baxstar Bioscanner Bioscan Scan Review

Baxstar Bioscanner System
This is a technology that uses headphones to send sound waves into the body biomarkers
and rate the energy levels and frequency of all internal organs and parts of the body including internal organs, knee joints, chromosomes, brain and all parts of the body.

All parts are put on a 1-6 rating system with 1 being the most optimal. Once done this
data is assembled and collected into images and graphed and charted. The device
is then able to send corrective frequencies into the body to help raise energy levels
and score rankings. Ideal for EE System owners, home use and wellness centers.
One of best technology products. Click Baxstar Bioscanner to learn more about this
amazing product and technology.

Baxstar Hyperbaric Chamber and Bioscanner System

Baxstar Hyperbaric Chamber and Bioscanner System

The Baxstar Hyperbaric Chamber with Multiple Technology Upgrades
The Baxstar Hyperbaric Chamber is a hard shell hyperbaric chamber that has special
plug placements to add additional technologies including sound frequency mattress, grounding technology, PEMF and the Baxstar bioscanner system which can monitor real time progress and results. Hyperbaric chambers can also come in a soft shell format. Learn more about why this technology is ideal for homes and wellness centers.
Click Baxstar Hyperbaric Chamber to learn more.

Terahertz Wand Models Overview

Terahertz wand models photo

Terahertz Wand Models Overview

Terahertz Frequency Wand
A new technology product featuring Quantum scaler, Far infrared, Terahertz
and quartz crystal technology! Learn more below!

The Terahertz Frequency Wand is a device that uses a blue light with quantum and
quartz crystal technology to help the body and charging water and a host of other benefits.
We are getting a lot of reviews and testimonials from customers about how this is helping them in all walks of life. Click Terahertz Wand reviews and testimonials to watch some
of the videos.

The wands are a top selling item and more information is available at the page below.
Check out the NEW 7.0 Terahertz Wand, “Big Blue” Pro Wand and other terahertz Wand models available now! Click Terahertz Wands page for more information.
Click Buy a Terahertz Wand to purchase online now!

Anti aging bed cover proving earthing, grounding and FAR infrared technology

Anti aging bed cover proving earthing, grounding and FAR infrared technology

Anti Aging Bed Covers and Products – Sleep Better, Recover and Recharge 
Products that can “ground you” and provide free electrons for healing and eliminating
“Free Radicals” from your body. This is one of the most profound things you can do and it is 100% free. If you can start doing this one thing on a regular basis it can possibly help
make a huge change in your overall health. The Anti Aging bed covers include a host of
technologies which help a person achieve a happier and healthier life including FAR infrared light, electron saturation and earthing – grounding. Click Anti Aging
bed cover
for more information. We also have added Bioshield Stations which are which are providing grounding – earthing technology. This is pulling out EMF from the body and sending in electrons to the body which helps with basic bodily functions. Click the links
to learn more and find out why this is our #1 selling product.

Plasma Energy Spheres Blood Sample med bed technology device

Plasma Energy Spheres Blood Sample med bed technology device

Plasma Spheres – Plasma Wave Generator System – Creating a Live
and Intelligent Plasma Energy Field – True “Med Bed” Type Technology
One of our newest and most exciting products the “Plasma Spheres” are plasma
wave generators that create a mindful and intelligent plasma energy field. These plasma spheres can run thousands of frequency codes to assist all types of disease and assist with
all parts of the body and etherical body. Plasma energy has been mentioned as a technology used in “med beds” and these Plasma Spheres or “plasma balls” are a med bed
type technology that is ideal for home use, med spa’s and wellness centers. These are a modern version of the work that Tesla, Rife, Priore and others started work on over 100 years ago. Click Plasma Spheres to learn more about this plasma technology products, how they work and how they create a LIVE Intelligent plasma energy field.

Tesla Coils Oscillators Package

Tesla Coils Oscillators Package

Tesla Multi Wave Coils –  Paddles Package – One of our Best Sellers!
Nikolas Tesla used electronic frequencies to help stimulate cell growth, detoxify cells and also increases cellular regeneration. The Tesla paddles throw out different wave patterns including whirlpool, labyrinth and flower of life with one PEMF unit called “the donut” concentrating energy into a smaller more focused area. The treatments can be used at 15 minute intervals to start and as you become more comfortable can extend longer. When I use the paddles I start with the kidneys on one side and put the other paddle on my stomach to help stimulate my internal organs. I used the donut on my knee and other areas that need special attention. Click Tesla Healing Coils for more information. 
Used for stiffness, soreness, detox, sending energy into the body and much more.

Piezo Tesla Coils Package

Piezo Tesla Coils Package

Piezo Tesla Coils Package
The Piezo  Tesla Coil Discs are one of the newest inventions using the work of Nikola Tesla and making it into a modern technology. This package includes four discs. Two piezo discs and 2 discs with Tesla coils. This is one of our newest and most cutting edge technology
products also referred to as “Piezo Fire” or more accurately “Piezo Phire”.

These discs are ideal for pain, discomfort, arthritis, inflammation, congestion and more.
This is one of our best selling and modern piece of Tesla based technology now available
for the general public. Click here to more information on the Tesla Coils

Infrared Photobiomodulation Bed System

Infrared Photobiomodulation Bed System

Infrared Biophotomodulation Bed – Cutting Edge Infrared Technology!
With the advent of a host of science backing up the power of Infrared and Far infrared light comes the development of the Infrared Photobiomodulation bed. This system uses
a multiple group of FAR Infrared and Near Infrared (Red Light) bulbs and frequencies to
achieve the best possible results for doctors, wellness centers and private homes. At nearly
half the price of other Infrared booth systems this product includes top of the line LED lights from China that meet the highest standards of use. Click Infrared Photobiomodulation Bed to learn more about this exciting new technology!

Best Foam Mattress for Home Use

Best foam mattress for home use

Best Foam Mattress for Home Use

New Biohacking Home Foam Mattress with FAR Infrared
and 20 Year Warranty!
Sleeping better has never been so easy with the new “Biohacking Foam Mattress” with NO toxic or harmful chemicals, heat dissipating foam, and high quality foam that includes a 20 year warranty. Unlike many other store bought mattresses with lower qulaity foam that can lose its bounce within a couple years this new mattress takes John Baxter’s 10 years of research and almost 20 years in the mattress industry and creates what may be known as
the “best foam home mattress for home use. Click Biohacking mattress and learn more about this new and game changing mattress that is 30% less than most big box store
and mattress store chains and delivers high quality technology for better sleep!
Click Biohacking Foam Mattress for more information

Home PEMF Frequency Med Bed

Home PEMF Frequency Med Bed

Home PEMF Med Bed
A new product that can run thousands of frequencies into the body using PEMF technology. This is a new system that incorporates a package that can be used at home and is much more affordable than many previous technologies. See some of the thousands of Rife frequencies that you can run and learn more. Click Home PEMF Med Bed for more information and watch the video from The Doctor OZ Show explaining the benefits of PEMF and see why this is one of our top selling technology products.

Plasma Energy Water Living Water Introduction Video

Plasma Energy Water Living Water Introduction Video

Plasma Energy Water
Charge your body, clothes and environment with “Plasma Energy Water“.
Plasma Energy Water is living water which can provide a host of health benefits
for health and wellness. You can drink plasma energy water and assist with energy and all types of benefits. Low prices and high value for health and wellness make this a very popular product, One small vial of plasma water will charge your water supply for life! Click Plasma Energy Water to learn more about this amazing product and how it works.

Tesla Lakhovsky multi wave oscillators frequency devices

Tesla Lakhovsky multi wave oscillators frequency devices

Tesla Multiwave Oscillators
Another great invention from Nikola Tesla was the multi wave oscillator. These units send
energy directly into the body and are used in pairs. By placing the person in between these
two rounded units the body is able to absorb energy and raise the electrical charge thus helping cellular repair, structure and numerous overall health advantages. Learn more
about another Tesla technology product that is now available for home or health and
wellness clinics alike. Looking for a “med bed” type technology with a host of health benefits an an affordable price? These multi wave oscillators  are another top seller with a rich history and many health benefits.
Click here for more information on Tesla Multiwave Oscillators  

Heavy metal detox package call us to order at 858-652-1259

Heavy metal detox package call us to order at 858-652-1259

Heavy Metal Detox Formula – Start the Process of Heavy Metal Detoxification Here
With the iMedDo detox system your body can remove lead, mercury and fluoride
from the body. This package goes will with all of our other technologies. Learn
more about the system and the benefits by clicking Heavy Metal Detox System.
A 6 month supply is ONLY $297.77 for 3 bottles bottles!

WavWatch Sound Frequency Wave Watch

WavWatch Sound Frequency Wave Watch

The WavWatch Sound Frequency Watch with over 1,000 frequencies!
The Sound Frequency WavWatch is a product that runs 850 Frequency Codes for all types of health and wellness categories! This watch can be used for all types of uses and is one
of our top sellers! Click WavWatch sound frequency device for more information.

Nikola Tesla working with plasma energy and electrical energy in Colorado Springs 1899

Nikola Tesla in his lab working with plasma and electrical energy

Nikola Tesla working with electricity and plasma energy in 1899

Tesla Ozone Ray being used in person demo

Tesla Ozone Ray being used in person demo

Tesla Ozone Ray
100 Year old technology being pushed to the forefront of 21st century technology the Tesla Ozone Ray was an invention created by Nikolas Tesla. The Ozone Ray sends concentrated electricity into the body to stimulate cells and energize the body. It also is excellent for reliving tension in muscles and parts of the body. The Tesla Ozone ray is one of the most popular products we sell and is easy to use. Click Tesla Ozone ray for more information.

Tesla Healing Coil healing paddle package with 1 Parasite Removing Resonance Technology Unit 2 Demo

Tesla Healing Coil paddle package with 1 Parasite Removing Resonance Technology Unit 2 Demo

Tesla Multi Wave Coils –  Paddles
Nikolas Tesla used electronic frequencies to help stimulate cell growth, detoxify cells and also increases cellular regeneration. The healing paddles throw out different wave patterns including whirlpool, labyrinth and flower of life with one unit called “the donut” concentrating energy into a smaller more focused area. The treatments can be used at 15 minute intervals to start and as you become more comfortable can extend longer. When I use the paddles I start with the kidneys on one side and put the other paddle on my stomach to help stimulate my internal organs. I used the donut on my knee and other areas that need special attention. Click Tesla Healing Coils for more information.

Tesla Plasma Rejuvenation “Med bed” Frequency Machine
Nothing being used right now is as powerful as the Tesla Plasma or Tesla Plasma Rejuvenation Frequency Machine . Being much like the Tesla Ozone Ray this unit works a bit differently because it is able to change frequencies of healing energy and electrifies the plasma in the air or ether in the room to deliver the healing. This technology is new and somewhat limited and it is highly recommended that if you need healing start with the anti aging bed cover and – or bed towels and other units first. These other technologies immediately start putting the body into a healing mode by eliminating free radicals and then contact us to use the Tesla Plasma units and or possibly purchase one. Since there are limitations on how many can be made we are looking for people to purchase these at healing centers that will make them available to the public for free. Contact Sean Callahan for more information at 858-652-1259 or at See more information on the Tesla Plasma Chamber click here.

Tesla Med Bed and Health and Wellness Technology Products

Tesla Med Bed and Health and Wellness Technology Products

Nikola Tesla – One of the Founding Fathers of “Med Bed” Type Technology
Plasma energy is the 4rth state of matter. It is what happens when gas is hit with enough energy that the electrons that spin around an atom get blown apart and are scattered everywhere. The sun is plasma and 99.99% of the universe is plasma. Nikola Tesla was one of the first people to work with, develop and produce plasma technology products which are said to be used in some of the various types of “med beds”. Plasma energy is very powerful and also somewhat complex as it can also be focused and distributed to become
a “living” and “mindful” energy field that communicates directly with DNA and the collective consiousness fields of existence. This website is dedicated to showcasing many of these types of technologies and educating people on how they work.

Nikola Tesla working with Plasma Energy 1899

Nikola Tesla working with Plasma Energy 1899

Nikola Tesla working with plasma energy and electrical energy in Colorado Springs 1899

When are the Med Beds coming?
This is a question I get asked every day. So many people are looking for the space age
med beds which have been rumored to be coming out sometime in the future. As far as
when will the med beds be released” I do not know. I do know however that there is a
lot of “med bed” related technology now available that people can take advantage of that
will mitigate a large number of health conditions that people are looking to med beds for.
Med Bed technology is here now – see a host of med bed type technology featured here on this website. Start using technology that is here now and stop waiting for getting assistance
with your health and wellness issues.

What is a “Med Bed”?

There are a lot of terms and definitions of “what is a med bed?“, “how do med beds work?“, “where do I buy a med bed” etc. The goal of this website is to provide information and resources for people to find med bed related technology products to improve their health and mitigate ailments of all kinds. As someone in the medical industry for over 10 years and specialized in hospital beds and wound care, I can tell you that hospital beds in general can be referred to as “med beds“. This website offers home care beds and hospital beds, but it is the technology that goes with beds of any kind which can immediately start improving peoples health which are providing the true benefit. This website offers new light and frequency devices along with other technology which has a myriad of health benefits and is also mentioned in many online videos as being “med bed” type technology.

Med Bed Technology Medbed Products for Home Use USA Med Bed

Med Bed Technology Medbed Products for Home Use USA Med Bed

Hospital beds” however are not what the general public are normally looking for as a “med bed”.. What they are looking for is the roll out of a new space age technology which are beds that act almost as chambers that can pretty much heal just about anything. This “technology” is rumored to be coming in large numbers and revolutionize the medical industry. When this roll out takes place and as word gets out people are looking everywhere to find these “med bed chambers”.

Even though the med bed pods have not been released yet there is now technology available which can assist people in healing themselves and doing it at home. This website includes many of the technologies that are available now including a host of Tesla technology products that can provide huge benefit to people’s health and ability for the body to remedy health conditions. As you read further into the products and technology available you will understand what you can use now to improve health and help your body heal. Below you will find a host of products and information to help provide your body what is needs to be stronger and healthier.

Stay tuned as we keep adding new technology products to our website and keep on
top of the med bed release and news regarding this subject.

Products featured on this site are not classified as medical devices. None of the products featured on this website should ever be substituted for getting professional medical advice for any health related issues. We make no claims that anyone will achieve any results using any of these devices. All products here are classified as health and wellness and each person should do their own research to understand how they work and how they may potentially benefit them. We research and provide energy and frequency “med bed” type technologies now available. It is up to the purchaser of these technologies to research each one and see if it may have any potential benefits.

Questions on Med Beds and Med Bed Technologies?
There is a lot of news coming out on “med beds” and med bed pods. Many of the technologies here can be classified as med bed type technologies however we make no claims that we are associated with any med beds talked about in various media. There is much new technology coming out. For questions on our technologies contact us or email us at

USA Med Bed, LLC
“Making the world a healthier and happier place one person at a time”
Phone: (858) 652-1259 or (858) 922-6862


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