Plasma Energy Spheres

Plasma Energy Spheres – Plasma Wave Generator

Creating “Live” and “Intelligent” energy fields for assisting
the body, mind and spirit. True “med bed” type technology product
to assist the body with health issues and maintaining good health.

Listen to some of the benefits and technology of how the Plasma Energy Spheres work.

One of the newest plasma energy “med bed” products to be offered is
the Plasma Energy Spheres. These plasma energy devices create a plasma
field which you lay in between and throw off a cascade of frequencies to resonate and assist various parts of the body. These plasma devices can also assist with many heath and
wellness issues and also have many metaphysical properties. This is a very state of the art technology product and one of the most popular plasma based technology products for home use and also for wellness centers.

Plasma Energy Spheres are creating an Intelligent and Mindful energy field. The way the plasma technology is delivered creates a “LIVE” plasma energy field. This is true “med bed” type technology and more information on this process and how that happpens can be  seen in a video below. If you are looking for a powerful “medbed” type technology for a spa, health and wellness center or home use the Plasma Spheres are an ideal technology device to assist with mind, body and spirit and is a more advanced and modern version of multi wave oscillators and other plasma technology devices.

Plasma “Med Bed” Spheres Video Overview

— Plasma Spheres / Plasma Balls – Portable Plasma Wave Generator

— Generates a plasma energy field in small rooms/places (living room, bed room…)

— The Plasma Spheres are a portable device (batteries) so there no connection to power or power supply pollution.

— Can also be used in nature, away from electromagnetic pollution

Drive the Plasma Spheres with the powerful frequencies.
Two plasma balls programmable by external sound wave generator

By sitting in between the two spheres you are able to absorb the energy of the plasma
spheres with over 840 targeted frequencies for various parts of the mind, body and spirit.

As we discuss the use of med beds and med bed technology we find that time and time again med beds are likely using “plasma based technology” to assist the body with healing.

The Plasma Spheres are a low cost plasma based technology product that can produce over
800 frequency codes to assist the body, mind and spirit.

Plasma Energy Spheres Pricing 
Plasma Energy Spheres Package $2,995 *
Includes 2 plasma balls, charging stations, 2 battery units and bluetooth accessories
* App “FlameinMind not included – cna be purchased at iTunes / Apple Store $175

Plasma Energy Balls Helping Cellular Structure of Blood Cells
As mentioned on the video at the top people who have had vaccines may be subject to blood coagulation, clotting or clumping. The Plasma Energy Spheres assist the blood to go back to individual cell structure and stop the clotting process. These are new studies that
show has the Plasma Spheres can assist the bloood within just 20-25 minutes. See image below to see how this works.Blood Cells Before and After Plasma Balls Preventing Blood Clots

Blood Cells Before and After Plasma Balls Preventing Blood Clots Photo (above)

How Does Plasma Energy Become “Mindful” and “Intelligent” Energy?
We are all familiar with energy and the many types of energy in the universe but
how does plasma energy from the Plasma Spheres become mindful and intelligent?
This is perhaps the most popular question people ask and is a key reason why the
Plasma Spheres are so powerful and referred to as “med bed” type technology.
See video below with a well described process of physics from co-inventor Dan Winter.

The Plasma Energy Spheres are also used to align chakras, charge the body’s plasma
energy field (aura), removing bad cells and assisting with all types of health related issues.
There are THOUSANDS of frequency codes that can be run to help with thousands of health conditions all easily run from the app. Powerful technology that was built off the work of Nikola Tesla, Royal Rife, Antoine Prioré and many others. Modern day “med bed” technology that is affordable and easy to use in a spa, home or wellness center.

Plasma Balls – Portable Plasma Wave Generator

Fractalizes the space and creates higher coherence.
Plasma Sphere Balls are a Portable Plasma Wave Generator that helps
you harmonize any room or space you have in your house.

The Plasma Spheres generate a field in small rooms in a home or office.

The Plasma Spheres are completely portable device and use batteries so they
can be used anywhere indoor or outdoors. There is no electromagnetic pollution.

The Plasma Spheres use special frequencies that are connected to the best
proportion the universe uses to replicate itself: the phi ratio.

Plasma Ball Energy Sphere Balls

Plasma Ball Energy Sphere Balls

Benefits of Plasma Spheres include:

* Building and enhancing ones aura and energy field
* Assisting the body parts directly and cells with plasma energy
* Creating better harmonic space
* Creates an active biofield – That bioactive field is negentropic,
* It imitates what Nature does without any effort.
* Can provide thousands of frequency codes to correct imbalance and target specific parts of the body
* Helps restore the body to Homeostasis
* Can provide up to thousands  frequencies to help various parts of the body, mind and spirit
* Can assist with developing higher states of consciousness
* Excellent for aligning chakras
* Ability to send energy and frequencies into targeted parts of the body using Rife frequency coldes and also Golden Mean frequency cascades which research has shown to be many of the codes that Nikola Tesla, Royal Rife and others found to be the most beneficial for the body

Portable device (batteries) => no connection to power supply pollution.
Can also be used in nature, away from electromagnetic pollution

Plasma Spheres – How to use the plasma balls

How to use the plasma spheres - plasma balls

How to use the plasma spheres – plasma balls

How to use the plasma spheres - plasma balls

How to use the plasma spheres – plasma balls

How to use the plasma spheres - plasma balls

How to use the plasma spheres – plasma balls

How to use the plasma spheres - plasma balls

How to use the plasma spheres – plasma balls

Plasma Spheres Pricing

Plasma Spheres come in groups of 2 units. The ideal place to sit is between the two plasma balls. There is an online app that can control the frequencies and sound vibrations that is purchased separately at the app stores for $175.

Plasma Spheres Plasma Wave Generators set up in home bedroom

Plasma Spheres Plasma Wave Generators set up in home bedroom

Plasma Sphere Package 1 $2,895 – includes shipping costs
* Add $500 for adding synchronous dual speaker ability attachment
(speakers not included)

* Estimated shipping – fulfillment time is 3-4 weeks from the time of purchase

Contact us below for more information or to order the Plasma Spheres and create
plasma waves in your home, office or wellness center.

Phone: (858) 652-1259

The Effects on the Body’s Aura Using Plasma Spheres

Effects on the aura of the body using Plasma Spheres

Effects on the aura of the body using Plasma Spheres

Plasma Sphere Balls were activated with a cascade of 20 frequencies based on Planck’s constant multiplied by powers of the golden ratio – according to Dan Winter equation (frequencies from 1.7 Hz to 15890 Hz).

The two plasma balls were placed 3 meters from each other. According to sacro-cranial wave frequency, a beat of 0.1Hz was also generated between the balls.

Plasma Frequencies available with Plasma Spheres

Plasma Frequencies available with Plasma Spheres


Plasma Energy Sphere Med Bed Technology

Plasma Energy Sphere Med Bed Technology

Plasma Wave Generator Frequency Codes – Frequency Cascade using Plank and Sacred Geometry Frequencies.  Take a look at some of the frequency codes and parts of the body that the Plasma Spheres can work at.

Plasma Energy Spheres Plasma Wave Generator Codes

Plasma Energy Spheres Plasma Wave Generator Codes

Plasma Energy Spheres Plasma Wave Generator Codes

Plasma Energy Spheres Plasma Wave Generator Codes

Plasma Energy Spheres Plasma Wave Generator Codes

Plasma Energy Spheres Plasma Wave Generator Codes

Plasma Energy Spheres Plasma Wave Generator Codes

Plasma Med Bed Energy Spheres

Plasma Med Bed Energy Spheres