Tesla Plasma Chamber Med Bed Demonstration Video
Watch some videos showcasing the Tesla Plasma Chamber med bed technology. Watch the videos and see photos below for more information. The Tesla Plasma Chamber is referred to as a “med bed” because the light frequency technology has been mentioned on social media as one of the technologies used in “med beds” in various programs. The Tesla Plasma Chamber fills up a small bedroom with the light frequency energy. An ideal or average size bedroom is ideal or something similar in size is where these can be used.

Tesla Plasma Healing Technology – Tesla Plasma Chamber
The price of the Tesla Plasma Chamber is $16,500 per unit and at the time of this post
are estimating to ship in 4-8 weeks from time of payment. If you have questions or need
information please feel free to call or email us below. We can ship to some countries and
some countries this units are not allowed. Please feel free to contact us to order or for
more information below. Thank you for your time and interest.
Order Tesla Plasma Chamber / Price $16,500
(858) 652-1259 Sean or (858) 922-6862 Gloria
Backed by doctors, developed by medical-focused engineers, all guided by the search for true wellness. Having harnessed Tesla’s (the genuine innovator Tesla, along with Rife, Lakhovsky, and Reich) as the base foundation of this plasma energy technology, we are using plasma frequencies to soothe inflammation and dis ease states.
Tesla Plasma Chamber Photos and some of the light frequency codes offered in the book
that comes with the unit. The Tesla Plasma Chamber can run thousands of frequency codes for a host of ailments. We also sell the Anti Aging bed covers which provide a lot
of health benefits by providing electrons and FAR infrared technology when you sleep
at night. If you are dealing with back pain, arthritis, shoulder pain etc… the bed covers
are a better and much cheaper solution. Click Anti aging bed cover to get more information on those products including the benefits and and pricing.
Tesla Plasma Chamber Manual / Booklet Photos
Below are some photos of the manual to help give a better understanding of what is
looks like and some of the frequency codes provided. These books come with the plasma
machine and we do provide training when needed to help operate.
The Tesla Plasma “med bed” chamber technology is featured on many videos on the
internet. The units can be purchased for home or commercial use at any type of medical facility. We do not make any claims on the results of the units however the “light frequency” therapies have been used and worked on for almost 100+ years and this
technology has been well documented and researched.
There are a host of “med bed” models and med bed technology being brought out. These units are Tesla Plasma Chambers. The “chamber” part of it is a small room where the
light frequencies use plasma in the air to transmit the energy. These frequencies do
not regrow limbs or do age regression. Although those have been discussed in many videos those are all different types of technology and “med beds”. None of the people in space programs have ever said that one type of technology does everything. All educated people bringing this information (James Rink – Super Soldier Talks) have stated there are a variety of med beds and med bed technologies. This Tesla Plasma Chamber therapies offer a host of light therapies and along with the grounding bed covers can assist with a host of health benefits. Please feel free to contact with additional questions and information below.
Contact Us / Order Tesla Plasma Chamber
(858) 652-1259 Sean or (858) 922-6862 Gloria
Some claims on our site are FDA Determined. All other statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant or have a pacemaker please contact your doctor before purchasing.
Terms & Conditions apply. Additional shipping fees apply for HI, AK, and other areas outside the lower 48 states. *ALL SALES ARE FINAL*