Anti Aging Bed Covers
The ultimate grounding bed sheets mattress covers with a 40% coiled silver surface
and far infrared crystal technology built in! Begin a life of better sleep and recovery
today with this premium grounding bed cover. The Anti Aging Bed Covers are our
#1 best seller and also reduce inflammation and proven better sleep! Learn more below.

Anti Aging Bed Cover Space Age Sleep Technology
Grounding bed cover technology with Far infrared for improved sleep
and other additional benefits. Learn more below and see why this is one of
our #1 selling top products! Ask about our discount packages when you purchase our Biohacking Mattress with a 20 year warranty.
Save Money on Biohacking Mattress and Anti Aging Bed Cover Packages
We have also just added a new adjustable bed frame, Anti Aging Pillow Case, Anti Aging Blanket, Anti Aging Pillow, for a COMPLETE package. Save 20% on your Biohacking mattress and Anti Aging Bed Cover package when you buy everything together! Contact us to order packages at (804) 495-0770 or at
“Anti Aging Bed Covers” are one the most popular health technologies sold right now to
the general public. These anti aging covers contain a host of benefits for people that
are able to use them while in bed and while sleeping. Did you know that when your body
makes contact with the earth that you absorb electrons? Electrons eliminate “free radicals”
and free radical cells are the cause of a large number of known disease and illnesses.

Anti Aging Grounding Bed Sheet Cover photo coiled silver 40% coiled silver surface!
When you lay down or touch the “Anti Aging Bed Cover” you are immediately grounded and absorbing electrons and putting the body into a recovery state by neutralizing the build up of free radical cells which cause inflammation . The Anti Aging Bed Covers are made with a silver thread and stretchable fabric blend and also crystals that produce “Infrared” light technology. This bed cover creates a “med bed” environment which puts the body into a rejuvenation state removing the swelling and inflammation caused by the existence of free radicals in the body. (See more articles and benefits of grounding and FAR infrared technology at the bottom of this page).
Order Anti Aging Bed Covers Online or Call Us Below for More Information
Contact us at 804-495-0770 or email us at

Anti aging ground bed covers demo
Watch the Movie Below to See the Benefits of Earthing and Grounding
The Benefits of Earthing and Grounding Showcased in this documentary video above. The
“Anti Aging Bed Covers feature earthing and grounding benefits and FAR infrared technology which also has a host of additional benefits.
The Earthing Movie with Deepak Chopra, Amy Smart and Mariel Hemingway from Big Picture Ranch on Vimeo showcases the benefits of grounding earthing on the body. This is a very good movie and a “must watch” if you really want to know how earthing and grounding effects the body. The Anti Aging Bed Covers feature earthing grounding technology as seen in the movie plus FAR infrared light technology. Two technologies in one product enhancing the benefits to the body.
Benefits of Using The Anti Aging Gorunding Bed Cover
1. Inputting of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Once your body makes contact
with the Antiaging Blanket you are taking in electrons and neutralizing free radicals.
2. NanoBionic® Proven Far Infrared – by making contact with the Anti Aging Bed Cover your body starts absorbing infrared healing technology.
3. EMF Shielding and Grounding – by making contact with the Anti Aging Bed Cover your body begins being shielded from EMF and grounds any positive electrical current your body is holding. When your body is holding too much electrical current you start producing “Free Radicals”, which cause inflammation and swelling.
4. Real Nano Silver Ion Technology – a natural antimicrobial surface and has a natural antibiotic effect on the body.
5. Conductive Cooling For Enhanced Comfort
When you sleep on this surface you are able to start your day rested, recharged and rejuvenated. SEE THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE FOR HEALTH BENEFITS of
grounding – earthing and FAR infrared technology featured in these bed covers.
Anti Aging Bed Cover Prices Range from $695 to $1,295
The Bioshield Station – earthing grounding towels are $315 for 3 units. These units are ideal for pillowcase tops, on the couch, desk etc. These towel size grounding towels do not
have the FAR infrared light technology but do have the grounding – earthing technology.
If you are looking for just one unit contact us direct at 858-652-1259 for a custom link.
Listen to 95 year old Isabel and how the Bioshield Earthing Grounding Stations
have assisted her health. The Bioshield Stations also referred to as “earthing grounding towels” are another way to bring grounding technology into your daily routine.
This is one person’s story and we make no claims others will get these results.
The Anti Aging Bed Cover comes in multiple sizes including Twin XL, King, Queen,
Cal King, Full and Split. The costs range from $600 to $1,295 depending on the
size and the amount of fabric. Because this blanket contains silver thread the amount of silver used in the production of the product determines the cost. These items are in very high demand and normal lead times for shipping are 4 weeks.
ORDER Anti Aging Bed Covers or Questions – Contact us below and to order.
Phone: 858-652-1259 or 858-922-6862 or email us at
ORDER Anti Aging Bed Cover Online Below and Save 5% and get FREE Shipping
Order anti aging bed cover click here

Anti Aging Bed Cover
Start healing and regenerating your body at home and while you sleep with the
Anti Aging bed med bed cover. This bed cover – sheet has a plug which plugs into the grounding section of an outlet and provides all of the benefits of being grounded or “earthing” along with FAR infrared technology.
Buy a Biohacking Mattress and Save 50% on your Anti Aging Bed Cover
Bundle a new Biohacking Mattress with a 20 year warranty with your
Anti Aging Bed Cover and save 50% on the normal bed cover price!
Click Biohacking Mattress and learn more about this new technology!
See what other websites and researching foundations say about the benefit of “grounding”
and earthing.
“Earthing (also known as grounding) refers to the discovery that bodily contact with the Earth’s natural electric charge stabilizes the physiology at the deepest levels, reduces inflammation, pain, and stress, improves blood flow, energy, and sleep, and generates greater well-being. Such effects are profound, systemic, and foundational, and often develop rapidly. Earthing is as simple as routinely walking barefoot outdoors and/or using inexpensive grounding systems indoors while sleeping or sitting, practices that restore a lost and needed electric connection with the Earth. Some 20 studies to date have reported intriguing evidence of wide and significant physiological improvements when the body is grounded vs. non-grounded. The research, along with numerous anecdotal reports, demonstrates that Earthing clearly deserves inclusion in the clinical practice of preventive, alternative, and lifestyle medicine and has great potential to render these approaches more effective.”
From the article below
“Integrative and lifestyle medicine strategies should include Earthing (grounding): Review of research evidence and clinical observations”

Anti Aging Bed Cover and Sheets
More Grounding and Earthing Benefit Articles
Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons
Grounding: Exploring Earthing Science and the Benefits Behind It
“In a small study Trusted Source on grounding and heart health, 10 healthy participants were grounded using patches on the palms of their hands and soles of their feet.
Blood measurements were taken before and after grounding to determine any changes in red blood cell fluidity, which plays a role in heart health. The results indicated significantly less red blood cell clumping after grounding, which suggests benefits for cardiovascular health.
Another slightly larger study Trusted Source examined the role of grounding on post-exercise muscle damage. Researchers used both grounding patches and mats and measured creatine kinase, white blood cell count, and pain levels before and after grounding.
Blood work indicated that grounding reduced muscle damage and pain in participants. This suggests that grounding may influence healing abilities.
This research is supported by a recent study Trusted Source on grounding for pain reduction and mood improvement. Sixteen massage therapists alternated between periods of grounding and no grounding.
Before grounding therapy, physical and emotional stress and pain were common side effects of their physically demanding jobs. After the earthing therapy, pain, stress, depression, and fatigue were all reduced among participants.”
Health Benefits of Grounding (Earthing)
There are many more articles on the benefits of grounding and earthing if you
search Google. See excerpts and full articles on the links provided above.
The Anti Aging Bed Covers also have FAR Infrared technology in them which is a
combination of crushed crystals that when your body makes contact with it releases
infrared light and also provides a host of additional benefits. See more articles below.
- Improve blood circulation and skin complexion. Far-Infrared expands capillaries which stimulates increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygen. …
- Strengthens cardiovascular system. …
- Improve detoxification. …
- Wound healing. …
- Relaxation and pain/aches management. …
- Immunity boosting. …
- Cancer support.
7 Amazing Benefits of Far-Infrared Therapy – Oriental …
- Relaxation.
- Better sleep.
- Improved blood flow.
- Muscle recovery.
- Relief from joint pain.
- Improved range of motion.
Far-infrared therapy: The cure for muscle aches? – CNET
information on how this works and benefits from a variety of sources.
Order Anti Aging Bed Covers Online click on the link below.
Anti Aging Bed Cover Order Here and Save 5% and Get FREE Shipping in USA
ORDER Anti Aging “Grounding Earthing” Bed Covers or Questions –
Contact us below and to order. Phone: 858-652-1259 or 858-922-6862 or email us at – For a limited time you can SAVE 10% on your order when
you call in and order by phone.
ORDER Anti Aging Bed Cover Online Below and Save 5% and get FREE Shipping
Order anti aging bed cover click here
Anti Aging Bed Covers – Summary
“Anti Aging Bed Covers” can also be referred to as earthing – grounding bed covers with
FAR infrared light technology. Earthing and grounding is becoming more understood in
the health and wellness industry and the term “Anti Aging” basically refers to one of the
benefits of the FAR infrared and grounding technology. With FAR infrared technology
one benefit is the regrowth of telomeres in the DNA. As these begin to restructure and
become healthier the aging process in the body is greatly reduced. It slows down the
aging process. This is a great benefit of course however there are so many other health benefits that it is difficult to place this as the primary benefit. The term “Anti Aging” is
becoming a buzz word and adjective used to describe products in the “bio-hacking”
and health and wellness world. Since the bed covers reduce swelling, inflammation and other things which stem from that these bed covers provide many more benefits than just anti aging. For more information on these products and other like them email or call us below.
ORDER Anti Aging “Grounding Earthing” Bed Covers or Questions – Contact us below and to order. Phone: 858-652-1259 or 858-922-6862 or email us at
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