Heavy Metal Detox Formula Iodine Silver Gold
Our iMedDo heavy metal detox formula is one of the most popular
heavy metal detox and iodine supplement formula’s in the market. These two
detoxification packages include (1) Iodine (2) Silver and (3) Gold. Read
a little on the benefits of these below along with a video on detoxing from
fluoride, lead and mercury with creator Dr. Ben Goins.
Learn about the iMedDo Heavy Metal Detox Program and
How Heavy Metals Affect the Body.
Buy Heavy Metal Detox System Online.
This detox package includes a 6 month supply of Iodine, colloidal gold and
colloidal silver. Product ships within 12 business days.
iMedDo Heavy Metal Detox Formula Prices and Packages.
Learn about our two heavy metal detox formula packages and prices below.

Colloidal Silver Iodine Gold Package $297.77 – heavy metal detox package call us to order at 858-652-1259
Heavy Metal Detox Package 1
DrBenGo’s iMedDo Detox System:
NeuSilver, NeuIodine & NeuGold set of 3 bottles (see photo above).
1/2 oz. NeuSilver™ 100 PPM (food grade) & 1/2 oz. 100% RDA NeuIodine™ & 1/2 oz. NeuGold™ 50 PPM (food grade) health supplements.
3 bottle – 6 Month Supply Buy Now Price $297.77

Heavy Metal Detox Formula 2
Colloidal Silver Iodine Gold Package 2
NeuElectrum Set1/2 oz. NeuElectrum™ 100 PPM (food grade) & 1/2 oz. 100% RDA NeuIodine™ health supplements.
Package number 2 with 2 bottles
180 Day – 6 Month Supply 2 Bottles
Buy Now Only $197.77
Heavy metal detox package call us to order at 858-652-1259
Benefits of Iodine, Silver and Gold
Learn a little about the benefits of Iodine, Silver and Gold
from the iMedDo Heavy Metal Detox Formula.
1. Iodine – The Benefits of Iodine with Dr. Ben Goins

Heavy Metal Detox Iodine
Iodine Energy
People frequently report experiencing a significant amount more energy when using iodine. Iodine is a critical nutrient for every cell in the body including the adrenals. Many people take iodine in the morning instead of coffee to help them wake up or during the afternoon instead of taking a siesta. Because iodine gives you energy, we don’t recommend taking it within 3 hours of bedtime as all that energy could keep you awake while your mind is coming up with good ideas. See iodine for dreaming below.
Detox with Iodine
Much is known about iodine regarding thyroid function and its role in hormone balance and heavy metal detox and much remains to be discovered. Furthermore, iodine is amazing as it detoxes chlorine, fluorine, bromine (and similar chloride, fluoride, and bromide) from the body and thyroid. Through thyroid function, iodine actually helps detox EVERY heavy metal including mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum to name a few from the body. Iodine supplementation has a wonderful effect of removing all the toxic metals in the body the main mechanism of which is because of improved thyroid function according to Dr. Lawrence Wilson MD. How exactly the thyroid does this detoxing is somewhat complicated and beyond the scope of this article but the results are real and one way it has been seen is by urine testing where increased heavy metals are detected when supplementing with iodine. (see generally work of Dr. Guy Abraham and Dr. David Brownstein). Iodine can also act as an oxidizer on contact with metals. It can “loosen up” solid metals by turning them into a water soluble salt form more readily excreted by the body in urine and sweat. Iodine in the thyroid also kills germs in the blood and is a potent germicide.
When you supplement with fat soluble iodine, it can readily be transported through membranes in the body and can be broken down into two molecules of nascent iodine which can then gain an electron each to form iodide the water soluble form of iodine which is used to flush out bad halogens from the blood and urine. There are regions of the body which are clearly fat/lipid/membrane solvent, and regions which are clearly water/blood/urine solvent, but there are also regions which are in between! One well known area is the thyroid called the thyroid “colloid” which a hybrid regions where both fat and water soluble forms of iodine can co-exist and where the intermediate nascent iodine form can be readily used as well.
Whereas the elemental fat soluble form of iodine can get in your skin, fat, membranes, cross blood brain barrier and get all over, the water soluble form iodide will predominantly be in the “water” of your body such as in blood and urine. The body prefers the fat soluble form of iodine and it can readily convert it to two molecules of nascent then each gain an electron to form iodide I- to flush fluoride/bromide/chloride (F-,Br-,Cl-) out of the blood and urine. Iodide can also be stripped of an electron to form nascent iodine intermediate on its way to being used for other pathways. The body desperately wants and prefers the fat soluble form of iodine and has to work harder to make it from I- if you only get iodine in the form of iodide. Likely every cell in the body has a pathway to make I2 from I- which it can pick up on the blood, but also conversely I suspect every cell also has a pathway to make I- from I2 if it got I2 to start with. The reason is that it is easier to make nascent iodine I0 the intermediate to organified iodine I+ from I2 than it is from I-. There is one known place in the body where this is known to occur which is in the thyroid which takes in iodine in any form it can get it I2 or I- into a special compartment (thyroid colloid) which is in between being either water or fat soluble where the body loads organified iodine into thyroid hormones which have 1-4 iodine molecules apiece and then it ships those hormones out back into the bloodstream to go all over the body. It seems like the thyroid is a major iodine shipping and receiving facility of the body!
When your thyroid doesn’t get enough iodine bad things can happen, and most people are walking around with less energy, less intelligence, less awake and more toxic than they need to be oftentimes with weight, blood pressure, skin, infection, low immune system and even potentially thyroid and other cancers all for the lack of iodine.
The word “hypo” is the greek work for “low” and simply means that your thyroid is not working optimally. Quite simply fluoride and other halogens (bromine, chlorine) that we are exposed to in America suppress they thyroid and so of course it is underperforming. If you want your thyroid to work, then not only do you likely need to have iodine around in your body to detox the halogens, but you need extra iodine around for making the thyroid hormones as well. In fact the two most important thyroid hormones T3 (tri-iodo-thyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) require 3 (T3) or 4 (T4) atoms of iodine per molecule! Obviously if you don’t have enough iodine available how can your body possibly make enough of these hormones and it is no wonder if you hare hypthyroid (low thyroid hormone output from the thyroid) as you have low hormone levels from a simple mineral deficiency in iodine! Many people can just feel that something is not quite right when they start to get hypothyroidism starting oftentimes with low energy and weight gain. Many people are even told by their mainstream medicine doctor that they are fine even when their thyroid levels are actually up to 4x too low (because the accepted “normal” for the test is ~2x to low for men and ~4x too low for women). We here at iMedDo only sell NeuIodine(tm) as a supplement, but many customers have reported great success self-medicating for hypothyroidism.
Hashimoto’s Disease
Hashimoto’s disease is named after a Japanese doctor Hashimoto and refers to a thyroid immune problem. My hypothesis is that Hashimoto’s disease is simply a slightly more advance form of hypothyroidism and everything written above concerning hypothyroidism applies. Because of this, I believe anyone with Hashimoto’s disease would benefit greatly from supplementation with NeuIodine™. Likely what is happening is that your thyroid is underperforming because of fluoride suppressing it but because the body is in need of those hormones it is sending the thyroid mixed signals telling it to make more thyroid hormones at any cost. The thyroid tries to make more hormones but there is not enough iodine around to make them correctly and instead it likely makes thyroid hormones that are defective likely with other halogens substituted for the iodine atoms in (T1-T4). The body’s immune system recognizes that the hormones being made are incorrect and has no choice but to have an immune response against them and the thyroid cells making them wrong. If my hypothesis is correct then simply taking the correct form of iodine (NeuIodine™) should just like in hypothyroidism de-suppress the thyroid by first removing the halogens and then allowing the thyroid to make correct halogen free iodine hormones after which the body’s immune response should die down. Ask your doctor about supplementing with NeuIodine while taking hormone replacements for Hashimoto’s. Unless your doctor is practicing anti-medicine she/he may be open to monitoring you and helping you wean yourself off the thyroid drugs as your levels return to normal with iodine supplementation.
Hyper is the greek word meaing “high”, so hyperthyroidism is refering to when your thyroid is “over” working and making too many thyroid hormones (high levels of T3 an T4 detected). It is generally assumed that because T3/T4 is high that iodine levels must also be high but I think this is incorrect and that it is possible to get “high” T3/T4 even when you are in fact LOW in at least a form of iodine. This is different from what you wil hear in mainstream medicine so research carefully. A prevalent form of hyperthyroidism is called Grave’s disease which like Hashimoto’s has an immune response against the thyroid. Traditionally it was and still is believed in mainstream medicine that a cause of too much thyroid hormones is that you have TOO MUCH iodine and commonly accepted medical advice is to not take iodine supplements. BUT I THINK THEY ARE ALL WRONG! In fact I think it is just the opposite. Firstly, no-one in this country really has the luxury of having enough iodine to begin with, if they did they wouldn’t be having a thyroid problem most likely, especially when it is estimated that 98% of Americans are at least somewhat deficient in iodine! So who exactly are these people who have TOO MUCH iodine?
In the future many of these thyroid problems should be renamed Hypo-Iodinism for “low iodine” and alternative doctors of today and mainstream doctors of the future will instead focus first and foremost on iodine deficiency and infection rather than pushing drugs and thyroid removal.
Thyroid Cancer
I consider this an advanced form or thyroid problems likely caused by Hypo-Iodinism. If was me, I would try NeuIodine™ and NeuSilver™ as well as some selenium and other good nutrition and probiotics to see whether the body can correct the problem naturally through nutritional supplementation.
Enlarged thyroid. Likely cause by low iodine and/or iodide and in some cases infection. Low doses of iodide in salt and multi-vitamin and/or breads containing KI usually enough to prevent goiter in America. Goiter related to hyperthyroidism could be infection or low iodine related. If was me, I would try NeuIodine™ and NeuSilver™ as well as some selenium and other good nutrition and probiotics to see whether the body can correct the problem naturally through nutritional supplementation.
The thyroid needs lots of iodine and a little selenium metal (a good metal not a heavy metal) to function properly. Make sure there is some selenium in your multi-vitamin if you have thyroid problems. Like iodine you can also find selenium in sea vegetables.
Drug Interactions
I’m not aware of any interaction with NeuIodine™ with any medications but am legally required to tell you to consult with your licensed primary doctor before adding supplements to your diet especially if you are on other medications. Customers frequently report self-medicating with NeuIodine™ with no problem with their current thyroid medication [thyroxine and armor thyroid].
Iodine and Breast Cancer
The female breast is also known to prefer I2 but can also take in I- to make I2 to ship into the milk fat for baby health. Iodine shipping and receiving is one of the main functions of the female breast which is no wonder why iodine deficiency can lead to many breast problems including masses and even breast cancer and why iodine is so important for breast cancer treatment and prevention (considered a drug if used for this). It is very likely that the correlation between women being 4x more deficient in iodine, and 4x more at risk for many types of cancer is real and that iodine in a very real way prevents cancer! To read my iodine paper on iodine in milk which was invited to the Journal of Breast Cancer Prevention, go to www.linkedin.com/in/bengoins/. Iodine is critical for infant health as the female body pumps it into breast milk and is likely the major reason why breast fed babies are more intelligent and have less than health problem than their formula counterparts.
The Female Nutrient
Because iodine is so critical for reproductive function for women (breast and ovary function) in addition to all the same thyroid related functions also in males, iodine is sometimes considered a “female” or woman’s nutrient but is actually needed by all people and is used by every cell of the body not just the iodine “gas tanks”.
Learn more about Iodine click here
2 The Benefits of Silver

Heavy Metal Detox Silver
True Colloidal Silver
NeuSilver™ is a true colloidal silver. True colloidal silver which is food grade 10 nm and coated, when taken orally can readily absorb through the intestines and can reach a homeostasis more evenly distributed throughout the body than can silver ions. One of the reasons is because silver ions are positively charged (Ag+) and are water soluble, whereas colloidal silver is neutral in charge and can pass through and be shuttled through more lipophillic (fat soluble) compartments in the body than can the water soluble (hydrophillic) silver ions. Colloidal silver slowly releases silver ions and can kill germs in more parts of the body and is believe to kill infection everywhere except the nervous system (see iodine and gold for nervous system effects). Food grade colloidal silver reaches a homeostasis in the body where when you take 1 drop of NeuSilver a day for health support, eventually it builds up a bit in the body and then is excreted as fast as you intake it.
Silver Dosing & Homeostasis
Dosing with silver is important and NeuSilver™ is bottled to make it as simple and safe as possible where 1 drop a day is the correct amount a day for an adult to take orally in their water. It’s not really about the amount of water, it’s about the amount of silver. What I like to do is have a canteen of water which I put the drop of silver in, and I sip on that water all day. By spreading the drop out in my water over the whole day, it keeps my mouth bathed in silver which is great for my dental health. Notice that on the bottle it says “one drop per cup of water.” It’s not expected that a human would drink more than 8 cups of water a day, so if you are using more than 8 drops of silver a day then you are using too much for daily maintenance and you are clearly in the self-medicating range so do so responsibly. Maintenance Dose: Typically 1-3 drops for 100-300 lb person, 1 drop for most people 100-200 lbs does not affect gut flora. Medium Dose 4-6 drops: Typically not used unless you “feel under the weather”, probiotics recommended or you will give yourself gas from silver if you do not probiotic replenish. High Dose 7-10 drops: Typically used temporarily for specific self-medication for food poisoning or infection with probiotics. Very High Dose 11-40 Drops: Typically used for specific self-medication colon cleanse with mandatory probiotics. Extremely High Dose: If you are seeking even higher doses of silver contact me privately about custom bottling.
NeuSilver™ is designed to be used as a health supplement at a maintenance dose for health support. A common question I get is how do I know that I’m taking the right amount of silver and that it won’t build up in my body?
NeuSilver™ is 10 nm and does not cause Argyria. I’ve been taking it for over a year and I’m not blue. Read Dr. Calin Pop’s book about how this silver is safe paraphrasing that as it is in the 10-30 nm “sweet spot” for internal medicine to not get stuck in the body. Homemade silver which often appears cloudy white has silver over 100 nm which can definitely get stuck in your body and cause Argyria a cosmetic effect of a permanent blue-grey skin color which is why sticking with food grade commercial quality NeuSilver™ is a good idea if you plan on taking silver internally for much duration of time. So if you use a maintenance dose of NeuSilver™, you have to worry about taking too much, the silver building up or getting Argyria. However the issue of homeostasis is less clear. Silver is not a nutrient so you don’t need to take it, but many of us choose to do so since it seems to boost our immune system and keep infection in general at bay. My guideline is that if the dosage of silver I’m taking is giving me gas when I take probiotics at least once a week then I’m taking too much. Even maintenance dose of silver can be too high for you if you never take probiotics.
Allergy Relief
Many customers have reported that using NeuSilver™ 1 drop a day in their water for health support has also somehow resulted in a allergy relief, and mold (fungal) allergies in particular. Perhaps somewhere between silver in general being known to be an anti-inflammatory and boosting the immune system, it makes sense that that allergy relief could happen in some situations. If you have experienced allergy relief and would be willing to give a testimonial, or if you are a skilled immunologist and interested in helping me expand upon this topic please contact me at healthwarrior@imeddo.com.
Immune Booster
Silver in general is a known immune booster. Although I could readily put “for immune support” on my bottles, that structure/function claim requires additional FDA paperwork so just enjoy your NeuSilver™ “for health support” instead. The immune system is complicated (it confuses me and I’m a biochemist!) Silver immunology is an area of study on my to do list, and eventually, I’ll expand this section to talk about such complex topics as how “silver acts on the immune system in a beneficial way which germs cannot readily become immune to, not even drug resistant bacteria!.”
Because true colloidal silver such as NeuSilver™ is so effective against bacteria and bacterial biofilms in vitro, it makes sense that it would also work in your mouth. Try 1 drop of NeuSilver™ in a small cup of water and swish in your mouth for 1-3 minutes and you will feel it clean your mouth by removing the plaque (bacterial biofilm) from you teeth. When you use NeuSilver™ as a health supplement 1 drop a day in your water as directed, you can likely expect improved dental results as most all dental problems are bacteria (bad breath/halitosis, gum disease/gengivitis, cavities/bacteria inside tooth, etc). I can’t advocate this because this message is likely not approved by your dentist, but I haven’t been to a dentist in over a year and I don’t have any cavities likely because I swish NeuSilver™ water in my mouth every day before I swallow it when taking my daily dose of health supplements. I’m excited to have recently met some “alternative” dentists who specialize in undoing the damage caused by mainstream dentistry. Because iMedDo products are effective at cleaning the teeth (NeuSilver™ ), removing Fluoride (NeuIodine™ ), and detoxing Mercury (NeuGold™, NeuIodine™), iMedDo is likely poised to be at the forefront of the new alternative dentistry. If you are an alternative dentist and want to use iMeDo products in your practice please contact me healthwarrior@imeddo.com.
Because fibromyalgia is somewhat of a catch all disease, different people’s fibromyalgia may have different causes but for many people the cause is actually a bacterial biofilm infection in the muscle and smooth tissue. It is easy to demonstrate that NeuSilver™ is highly effective against bacterial biofilm in your mouth, and thus is no surprise that it appears to be highly effective against bacterial biofilm in the body as well. Customers who self-medicated using iMedDo products for fibromyalgia report using 4-5 drops of NeuSilver™ for flare ups. I sincerely hope and have no reason to not doubt that if you take iMedDo products especially NeuSilver™ and NeuIodine™ (also germicidal) that your chronic infection perhaps causing your fibromyalgia will disappear completely. If 4 drops appears to help, then try 10 drops of NeuSilver™ with probiotics and see if you can wipe it out completely. If your fibromyalgia is from a nerve inflammation, the NeuGold™ should help as well. I recommend you simply support your health with all three iMedDo products which are synergistic and expect good things for your health.
DNA healing and Divine Power
With DNA, the building block of life, we are narrowing in on what does it really mean to be alive and heal. A virus is not alive but can have DNA or RNA and can interfere with or hijack ours! Does SILVER promotes DNA healing? My gut tells me that true colloidal silver and true colloidal gold helps DNA fold correctly and that this give you divine power where the green healing of the silver electricity goes through the DNA like a green healing cloud, allowing your DNA to fold correctly and and forcing viruses to be squeezed out to their death at the hands of the smiting silver. Science has only just begun to figure out silver, and is greatly blinded by unwillingness to look a the overwhelming metaphysical properties of this other diving metal. Perhaps we must first understand gold to understand silver as captured by the hieroglyphics for silver which all point to gold.
Learn more about the Benefits of Silver click here
3. The Benefits of Gold
What does gold do?
iMedDo cannot make any health or medical claims concerning NeuGold™ as you understand from your health supplement mindset.
I understand the health supplement mindset, what does gold really do?
The true purpose of NeuGold™ colloidal gold is for optimizing your nervous system and reaching enlightenment. It amplifies and accelerates all healing and spiritual modalities and is best used to optimize the benefits of meditation, sound therapy, energy work.
You cannot focus on optimizing your nervous system when you are sick which is why you use NeuSilver™ and NeuIodine™ as well to protect and transform your body into a an optimal vessel to be the spiritual being that you are. Besides the true purpose of colloidal gold, it has many self-medication healing uses as well. I’ve personally experienced gold helping with mood, headache, depression and anxiety, and amazing fast when you put 3 drops directly under your tongue typically within 5 minutes, or 10 minutes longer if you put it in water and drink it. I have had enough feedback from self-medicators to say with certainty that it also helps a great deal with rheumatoid and inflammatory arthritis (not osteoarthritis), and appears to be a general nervous system anti-inflammaotry and nervous system detoxer and because of that is helping with depression (nerve/brain inflammation), many strange nerve and back pains in particular.
Based on the observations of self-medicators, I have come up with a simple hypothesis to explain the majority of the actions of NeuGold™. It is clear to me that it is a preferred nutrient in the brain and nervous system to copper. I believe that when people do not get enough iodine that their thyroid doesn’t work correctly and that certain metals in their body get out of balance. One of the most important ones is the copper/zinc balance. I believe the body uses 8-12 more zinc than copper to keep the copper electricity in control as it is toxic to the brain and nervous system and that although copper is a nutrient it acts as a quasi-heavy metal in the brain and nervous system. I believe that the excess copper in the nerves makes them “spas out or misfire” which explains why the gold helps with anxiety, rheumatoid arthritis, and likely other diseases related to copper toxicity. If my hypothesis is correct then I also predict that the gold will help with Parkinson’s disease since it is related to copper toxicity in the nerves. In addition the gold is able to flush out and detox heavy metals from the nervous system for sure Lead and likely many more possibly all heavy metals from the nervous system which is likely why it is having an “anti-inflammatory” effect and is likely why it is helping with headache/migrane and depression since depression has been shown to be related to brain inflammation.
Is that all gold does?
There is likely much more health beneficial that gold does. A quick look at a recent nano-medicine paper talks about gold being used for all sorts of treatments including inducing apoptosis in cancer, liver protection, killing parasites, as an anti-oxidant and many other uses which iMedDo has not evaluated. iMedDo sells NeuGold™ for enlightenment health support but the world of mainstream medicine is still struggling to quantify this mandala. Gold is the new medicine of the Golden age just as silver is the new medicine of the Silver age. Don’t get so caught up in the details, just recognize that each of these is infinite and can be used as a mirror to send love to yourself. No matter how many billions mainstream medicine spends trying to quantify these mandalas, they will never use them correctly as they are viewing them as a fix for particular problems in their diseased world paradigm instead of embracing the new Silver and Golden age of health and Enlightenment.
Commentary on the History and Miracle of Gold
Like the iodine conspiracy, I think that an exciting field of gold hidden medical knowledge awaits. Throughout time rulers have controlled gold, it’s access, and perhaps its medical knowledge. Historically, all learned knowledge including medicine and gold medicine in particular has been controlled by various priesthoods dating as far back as ancient Egypt at least prior to 2500 BC. I have found through personal experience that gold “sensitizes” your spine and nerves to spiritual and healing energy and is inseparable from a “priest-like” metamorphoses of your mind. Because of this little appreciated effect, gold healing is more akin to a “miracle” than traditional medicine/drugs that we are used to, and that gold healing through your personal spiritual expansion appears to be of seemingly limitless scope and can perhaps facilitate self healing of any ailment physical or spiritual. If you believe or have experienced as I have this effect of gold then it becomes obvious why people throughout time has tried to eat/drink/heal/worship using gold since the dawn of time.
Gold in the Eluma Elish
The oldest references to colloidal gold is found in the ancient Sumerian/Babylonian creation mythology the seven tablets called the Eluma Elish which can be interpreted as an account of the planets and their movements . Central to the story is the idea of a larger primordial earth (dragon Tiamat) being attacked by another planet (Nibiru/Marduk). If the story can be believed in light of planetary interpretation, the ancient earth had 11 moons which were caught up in the gravity of passing Nibiru and a very large part of the ancient planet it’s heart or womb was ripped out exposing its inner golden veins (blood of the planetary goddesss) and became the Moon (Kingu/Khonsu). The story is at least somewhat plausible in light of modern science in which the prevailing theory is that a Mars sized planet/asteroid hit the earth approximately 4.5 million years ago and that indeed based on isotope analysis the Moon does appear to come from earth rock material. Although no scientific evidence for this Nibiru planet has been found, it is interesting that in later times the god’s name was updated to “Marduk” i.e. sounds like the planet Mars to me, and seems very interesting that modern science believes that it was a “mars sized planet/asteroid” that hit the earth. Could it have actually been the planet Mars itself that hit earth? Whether myth or ancient astronomy/astrology, it is a fascinating story when interpreted from a perspective of understanding where mankind’s fascination and early beliefs about gold and silver originated and makes many divergent beliefs make sense in light of the mythology. Supposedly the seed of life was on Nibiru(Mars?) and was imparted to the earth when the collision occurred from which life evolved. Interesting the story goes on to have the idea of another race, the Annunaki who came to earth in search of gold as to them it was their salvation as they supposedly needed it to heal the atmosphere of their planet Nibiru. The fallen angel/astronaut Allahu supposedly came to earth first in search of the gold, found a garden full of snakes guarding the precious gold-water and he then phoned home like ET for backup, more arrived and they were supposedly involved in breeding with and creating man (Adamu) possibly through genetic modification in their quest to make some servants to help them out in their gold harvesting. Regardless of how you interpret the myth/holy tablets in their various forms, what is certain is that gold was considered to be highly prized in antiquity as being the “blood” of the earth goddess (it does occur in “veins” in the ground), and it was regarded as being “salvation” for the gods and men. Supposedly the moon Kingu was sacrificed to create men (had its gold veins mined out), and there is the overarching view that mankind really needs the gold and that planet Earth is the “planet of gold” which has it so abundantly that it can be harvested from the freshwater in rivers and lakes, but better watch out it is guarded by venomous snakes and this wise Annunaki fallen astronaut guy (demonized as Lucifer nowadays) who you gotta go through to get into the garden to get that precious gold water. Hard to evaluate mythology, but it is clear that the ancients in Iraq, Egypt, South America very well might have been trying to harvest gold from the water be it for themselves or to please their gods.
Pyramid Gold Sluice
Believed to be the oldest known worship center discovered on earth (prior to 2500 BC pyramid uncertainty date) is the “Stargate of Abu Ghurab” near Abu Sir Egypt home of the crystal mandala which is believed to have been the base of the oldest obelisk in Egypt inscribed with the symbol “Hotep” for “Peace”. Because colloidal gold has a calming effect on the nerves could this be the Peace that the ancient Egyptians were referring to? The site has strange and mysterious large stone bowls with holes in the sides apparently made with laser precision. The bowls were originally placed around a pyramid with large red granite stones (red granite believed to be a characteristic of the earlier Atlantean/Annunaki/AlienAstronaut? race). The best theory that I’ve seen is that the bowls were used for gold (colloidal gold in water no doubt) harvesting using the pyramid with a water feature which would somehow pump water to the top where it would perhaps stream down to be collected and sluiced. If this theory of the Abu Ghurub stargate is correct, be sure if you ever meet an alien, rather than trying to say the word “Hotep” i.e. “I come in peace”, you will probably get farther by offering the alien a drinkable NeuGold™ snack to calm down it down and show it your peaceful sincerity =). If a pyramid is a gold sluice then it makes sense that the stone at the top of each pyrimaid and oblisk (called the ben-ben stone much to my delight since my name is Ben) was always plated in gold, or gold & silver (electrum). Some people think the ancients were using pyramids and obelisks over water sources to somehow tap into or broadcast telluric currents from the earth and solar (gold) and lunar (silver) currents from the sky. I personally think they were drinking colloidal gold in their water as well. Perhaps since gods were believed to be relatives of but live longer than man and perhaps the gold was used to live longer by tapping into the divine DNA. In any case, the idea of drinking gold water is not a new concept.
Gold in Ancient Egypt and in the Bible
Colloidal gold at high concentrations (500-5000 ppm) is a red color and has been used for thousands of years in stain glass windows, and water from a golden bowl or chalice often used for holy water. The Egytian word Nb/Nebu/Nub for gold for which the land of Nubia come from indicates that there were many gold mines in ancient Africa and the Egyptian hieroglyph for gold is somewhat of a mystery as it looks like a basket or perhaps a large beaded necklace or collar but often depicted more as a footstool with goddesses kneeling or standing on top of it. Below is an image from King Tut’s coffin with Egyptian goddesses Isis and Nephthys standing on the gold “footstool” symbol perhaps because of gold’s association with the sun god and hope of eternal life. Interestingly, King Tut was part of a historically covered up “heretic” period in Egypt portrayed as a shift to monotheism called the Amarna period and the image below may be very similar to or may have inspired the “cherubim” on the biblical ark of the covenant.
Fascinatingly, there is one direct reference to drinkable gold in the Torah/Bible at Exodus 32:20 where Moses fires the golden calf, then “spreads it on the water” and makes them drink it! Since Moses was portrayed as being raised and taught in Egypt, it perhaps makes sense that he knew the secrets of Kemetic gold working alchemy and thus knew how to dissolve solid gold, somehow make it water soluble and how to make “drinkable gold”.
The ancient pharaohs who were also high priests were believed to ingest a drinkable form of gold likely giving rise to the popular myth that Egyptian gods had gold for blood. Based on the biblical account, it seems that Egyptians had a way of melting and dissolving gold into a water soluble powder i.e. perhaps food grade colloidal gold! Gold because it never tarnishes was considered the “flesh of the gods” and perhaps in ancient Kemetic mystery religions eating or drinking the flesh of the gods was considered beneficial much as eating the “flesh and blood of Christ” in more modern Christian sacraments. Gold perhaps was thought to be more of a male metal because of its association with the sun and sun god but interesting is frequently depicted as above with the goddesses as part of death protection/eternal life/resurrection so its gender association is not so clear.
Because every pharaoh/god/priest was potentially given drinkable gold or perhaps a water soluble possibly colloidal gold powder then doesn’t it make sense logically that it is possible that some of the gold given to baby Jesus (Matthew 2:11) actually could have been in the form of drinkable gold Aurum Potablis possibly from Egyptian alchemy and intended as a spiritualizing medicine? Perhaps it was, especially since it is mentioned next to Frankincense and Myrrh, two plant resin/incense/oil/medicines whose vapors are used to this day for spiritual purposes in many religions (in Catholic churches for example as an asthmatic friendly smoke). Likely it was gold dust ground into a fine powder (which could be suspended in water i.e. colloidal gold) since mention of gold being ground into powder to be suspended in the atmosphere was around already in the Eluma Elish, it was not unheard of. Alternatively, gold is frequently mentioned in the Bible in the form of a golden cup for drinking wine from (sometimes in a positive and sometimes in a negative connotation), and as golden lampstands for burning of incense (Frankincense and Myrrh?). It is interesting that Myrrh at least could be ingested if dissolved in wine and perhaps was served with some drinkable gold or from a golden vessel which may have leeched gold ions into the mixture for an added health boost? My impression upon studying biblical gold references in the Old Testament is that gold (and silver, and clothes, copper, and iron to some extent) were highly valued for religious uses in the ancient times, that kings had a propensity to want to cover everything in their temples with it and plunder it from each other, that gold could be programmed with the energy signature imparted by the worshipper and needed to be purified by fire to convert the gold of other gods into HIS gold. Interestingly though, metallic gold was considered by the prophets to be perishable, tarnishable and useless compared to the value of wisdom and understanding (considered astral gold by the alchemists). My impression of the gold in the New Testament is that, the gold is inside of each of us which has an interesting Egyptian ingestible gold connotation to it by my mind, and jives somewhat with the hypotheses that Jesus may have spent some of his adulthood training as an Egyptian priest (notable psychic Edgar Cayce is a proponent of this). I also wonder whether colloidal gold of a very high concentration was used somehow in turning the nile to blood (red) and perhaps in turning water to wine (red), possibly with an electric or spiritual current causing gold ions to plate out at a high enough concentration turning red? No matter how you interpret the scriptures or what your religious beliefs, most agree that taking gold internally and strengthening your spirit is definitely preferred by HIM to hoarding metallic gold (forbidden in the scriptures) and especially to doing what men tend to like to do which is to create a statue, cover it in gold and worship it (idolatry). Either way there is and always has been an interesting gold-spiritual connection and at least for me, my interested in nano-gold has certainly awakened and sent me on a spiritual journey from whence I am glad I embarked. Many customers have told me that using NeuGold™ has strengthened and accelerated their individual spiritual journeys as I have found, and I hope you experience the same.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
To the best of my knowledge NeuGold™ works more effectively and safely than any other modality including the gold shots of yore for Rheumatoid arthritis. Enough customers have asserted to me that colloidal gold has helped with their inflammatory and rheumatoid arthritis that I believe it wholeheartedly. My own grandma claims that it has indeed helped her rheumatoid arthritis. My hypothesis is that the colloidal gold and/or gold ions released by it are somehow detoxing copper from their nerves which is why I believe people report that it is helping with Rheumatoid arthritis. For some good research references for colloidal gold see generally the work of Dr. Guy Abraham including:
Abraham, GE Himmel, PB: Management of Rheumatiod Arthritis: Rationale for the Use of Colloidal Metallic Gold, J. Nutr. Med. 7:295-305,1997.
NeuGold™ does not work for osteo-arthritis, but have you tried Frankincense (olibanum/boswellia sacrum)? Still NeuGold™ may help a bit since osteo-arthritis usually comes concurrent with rheumatoid arthritis and nerve inflammation. “Osteo” means “bone” so osteo-arthritis is a type of arthritis caused by bone build up where it’s not supposed to be which can mechanically push on the nerves and be painful. Usually bone build up is a calcium metal imbalance problem and usually comes together with high calcium levels with low calcium utilization levels and along with magnesium metal imbalance which can cause trouble sleeping as well as vitamin D deficiency. Did you know that no matter how much vitamin D you take you still need some sunlight for your body to use it properly so try to get a little bit of sun exposure (not enough to get burned just a few minutes) every day if you can such as exposing your full exposed back to the sun. I believe that metal imbalance including calcium and magnesium can be regulated by iodine and when you get enough iodine your body can absorb and utilize nutrients better. You may be getting enough magnesium in your diet but be low anyway as your body is not using it without the iodine perhaps. Because of this, for osteo-arthritis, you might want to consider using NeuIodine™ supplement as well as the NeuGold™ and if you are lucky it is possible that the osteo-arthritis will go away or halt. Same with the reverse which is called osteoporosis where the body does not build enough bone and you get too much bone loss. Since some osteo-arthritis medication drugs are isolated from Frankincense, I belive that Frankincense essential oil or you can get the raw Frankincense plant sap and burn it on a coal and breath the healing vapors which are also germicidal, good for asthmatics and perhaps also anti-cancer. Perhaps the 3 wise men of the Gospel were on to something when the story goes they gave baby Jesus gold and frankincense as a baby gift.
Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease as well as it has also been implicated with copper toxicity in the nerves. As with Rheumatoid arthritis, my hypothesis is that the colloidal gold and/or gold ions released by it are somehow detoxing copper from their nerves. Because of this, if I had Parkinson’s disease, I would definitely try NeuGold™, food grade true colloidal nano-gold.
Back Pain
Many customer’s report that after using NeuGold™ for a week, that their back pain is also reduced. My own grandma was primarily self-medicating for arthritis, but also asserts to me that it has somehow helped with her back pain as well. NeuGold™ appears to be anti-inflammatory in the nerves and seems to help with some back pains and many customers report self-medicating for menopause related back pains. NeuGold™ may not help with back pain if it is from a mechanical issue such as a bone or pulled muscle, for that try talking to a surgeon, chiropracter, massage therapist or other professional as needed. NeuGold™ does appear to help with “strange” nerve pains that nothing else seems to help possibly by detoxing heavy metal build up in the nerves (copper at least perhaps also lead and cadmium and others).
Feeling Better and Depression
My own mother claims NeuGold™ makes her feel better, and my own aunt adamantly tells me that it’s a “miracle” as it has cured her seasonal depression! Many customers have reported feeling better with gold, and gold is generally believed to put you into a “festive” mood.
Headache and Migrane
I have yet to find a headache that the nanogold doesn’t make go away, almost instantly. When I put 3 drops under my tongue any headache is gone in under 2 minutes, and if I drink the gold, it take about 10 minutes longer. I’ve personally experimented with addiction headaches, feverish headaches, sodium benzoate preservative headaches, dehydration headaches and more. If you have a headache, consider trying 3 drops of gold under your tongue and likely you will feel better in a matter of minutes. There does depend to be a little bit of a dosing issue as for headaches as sometime 3-4 drops is a good adult dose whereas 1-2 drops is not always enough for an adult but works fine for a child dose. For a starting dosing guideline for headaches I would try 1 drop if up to 50 lbs, 2 drops if up to 100 lbs, 3 drops for most adults 100-200 lbs, 4 drops if 200 lbs and up. However this is just a guideline, listen to your body and you will determine where in the 1-4 drop range of gold works best if you have a migrane or other headache. Because gold is expensive many people try to use the least amount that is effective, but taking more won’t hurt you.

Colloidal Silver Iodine Gold Package – heavy metal detox package call us to order at 858-652-1259
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Colloidal Silver Iodine Gold Package